Fact check: Snopes says Covid lab origin is a conspiracy theory, and claims they never said that

Fact check: Snopes says Covid lab origin is a conspiracy theory, and claims they never said that

So says this analysis: The Dumbest Snopes “Fact-Check” Of All Time? (substack.com)

Snopes repeatedly said Covid lab-leak suggestions were untrue, conspiracy theories, etc.

But one of their fact checkers now insists Snopes never said this, even though they did, repeatedly. Wild stuff!

I stopped relying on Snopes in 2021 when it became public that their founder was a serial plagiarizer and had created many fake stories for the site, including using a pseudonym to make it look like they had more staff than they did: Search Results for “snopes” – Social Panic (coldstreams.com)

David Mikkelson is now self-employed, says his LinkedIn page.

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