Media: Remember this? CBS News falsely presented footage of an Italian hospital as a Covid hospital in the U.S.

Media: Remember this? CBS News falsely presented footage of an Italian hospital as a Covid hospital in the U.S.

I’d forgotten about this. CBS news showed footage of what was supposedly a Covid treatment area in a U.S. hospital, but it was in fact, taken directly from a video of an Italian hospital and had nothing to do with the U.S.

Full story here: Did CBS News Use Footage from Italy for New York COVID-19 Report? |

After acknowledging and “editing error”, they then repeated the same fake report a week later and presented it as a hospital in Pennsylvania.

This was hardly their first time faking the news. They cannot be trusted.

Also not, amusingly, that the author of that particular Snopes analysis, the founder of Snopes, was later caught faking stories on Snopes. It’s garbage all the way down. Mikkelson was later bought out from his ownership of Snopes.

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