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Month: July 2023

Media: “Microsoft reports slowing Azure cloud revenue growth”

Media: “Microsoft reports slowing Azure cloud revenue growth”

Microsoft exceeded analyst expectations but leave it to the Doomer media to comb through the financial report and intentionally highlight one tiny thing – instead of 27% growth, they have 26% growth in Azure services. Wow. Sounds like the end of the world for Microsoft! SELL! SELL! SELL!

Media: Story contradicts itself in the first 3 bullet points!

Media: Story contradicts itself in the first 3 bullet points!

Reporter self destructs in just 3 sentences, writing contradictory statements. The FAA temporarily suspended flights at Phoenix due to a telecommunications problem at Albuquerque Center located in New Mexico, having nothing to do with heat in Phoenix. But the reporter, incredibly, tries to link the temporary ground stop to temperatures in Phoenix. Oh my.

Climate communications: Misleading headline of the day

Climate communications: Misleading headline of the day

“Where carbon emissions are skyrocketing: All 50 states ranked”. With a headline like that, it must be that emissions are skyrocketing in all states! Actually, they are declining – by quite a bit – in almost all states! And that’s based on the numbers in the story!