Censorship: Why Renee DiResta Leads The Censorship Industry

Censorship: Why Renee DiResta Leads The Censorship Industry

Renee Diresta is the Director of Research at the Stanford Internet Observatory. Her organization instructed Twitter on who to censor.

She previously worked for the CIA but hid that from her bio and LinkedIn page.

And nobody caused more harm than President Donald J. Trump. “I think that the particularly belligerent, constantly hostile, constantly outrageous tone that [Trump] prefers is deeply harmful,” DiResta told Swisher.

DiResta thinks this question isn’t just important for fighting “foreign disinformation.” Rather, what content “we” should “let” remain online is a question she believes the U.S. government must decide for every major social and political issue in society since her overarching framework is the legitimacy of governing institutions.

In her 2021 video for the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Diresta says, “Our team at [Stanford Internet Observatory] SIO and CISA’s team have done some pioneering work in partnership thinking.” What is “partnership thinking”? It’s the thinking done by DiResta and other self-appointed censors for how the government can censor without violating the First Amendment.

Source: Why Renee DiResta Leads The Censorship Industry

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