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Category: Mind Control

“US Media coverage of covid 19 is WAY MORE negative than international media coverage……”

“US Media coverage of covid 19 is WAY MORE negative than international media coverage……”

Study finds U.S. mass media coverage of Covid-19 is excessively negative (and scary) in tone compared to international media, science media, etc. This twisting everything into scary news is intentional – inducing fear creates more clicks and generates more ad views and return visits to keep appraised of what is happening. The fear mongering is intentional.

When you re-define the language, you can control the world

When you re-define the language, you can control the world

“Tear gas” and “Pepper spray” have been redefined by riot enthusiasts as “chemical munitions” and “chemical weapons” as they seek to ban the use of crowd control measures by police, when employed at “mostly peaceful protests”. Changing the language is one of the first steps taken in a propaganda campaign. Language redefinition goes on all the time, and lately, with increasing frequency.

Powell’s Books: Our [Non] Commitment to Free Speech

Powell’s Books: Our [Non] Commitment to Free Speech

Major bookstore pulls a book from its shelves after a group known for violence threatens the book store if they continue to carry the book. This, in turns, yields the Streisand Effect – those not aware of the book learn more about it because of the protest and decide to buy it.

It also raises questions about the roles of gatekeepers – the world’s largest independent book store is being forced to pull a book off its shelves.

“Deplatforming” Parler

“Deplatforming” Parler

The controversy over hostile social media content advocating violence, hate, and lies on social media – and the deplatforming of individuals and entire services (e.g. Parler).

Was Parler deplatformed for “conservative” ideas or for users advocating violence?