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Category: Mind Control

SF Chronicle labels a group of mostly progressive Democrats as a “conservative parents group”

SF Chronicle labels a group of mostly progressive Democrats as a “conservative parents group”

The news media has labeled any discussion opposing generic cloth facial coverings as motivated by conservatives. In this case, they mislabeled an Open Schools group of mostly progressive Democrats (this is San Francisco where almost no other perspective exists) as “conservative” – because they oppose continuing to force cloth facial coverings on school kids who are fully vaccinated.

“US Media coverage of covid 19 is WAY MORE negative than international media coverage……”

“US Media coverage of covid 19 is WAY MORE negative than international media coverage……”

Study finds U.S. mass media coverage of Covid-19 is excessively negative (and scary) in tone compared to international media, science media, etc. This twisting everything into scary news is intentional – inducing fear creates more clicks and generates more ad views and return visits to keep appraised of what is happening. The fear mongering is intentional.