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Category: Pseudo News

Media myth: The “world’s happiest country” myth is now the basis for follow on stories

Media myth: The “world’s happiest country” myth is now the basis for follow on stories

The “world’s happiest country” myth lives on year after year after year. Finland now pretends it knows why it was identified as “the world’s happiest country”. In fact, the metrics used to determine “happiest” have nothing to do with happiest. The “happiest” title was promoted as sounding better than a metric that measured “well-being” based on things having nothing to do with happiness!

CNBC continues to spread this fake news

CNBC continues to spread this fake news

Oxfam claims a small group of billionaires have climate emissions equal to 66% of the world’s population. The study isn’t even to the level of a middle school science project – it’s that bad. They include all emissions from companies, and their products sold to others – if a billionaire has an investment in the company. This is fake news and CNBC’s content mill fell for it.