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Author: Edward S

Rule by technocratic experts

Rule by technocratic experts

The inventors of “public relations” (the name given to the field after “propaganda” grew out of favor) argued for rule by technocratic elite, thinking that important decisions should be left to “experts” and not democracies.

Why do science and health reporters lack background in their subject?

Why do science and health reporters lack background in their subject?

Bloomberg, and many media outlets, use unqualified or questionably qualified “reporters” to cover complex topics in science and engineering. Such reporters learned what they know from media and interviewing others, who talk to the press as part of their own evangelism. This is not how the media should be doing reporting.

Censorship: Florida proposes mandatory registration of all bloggers who write about Governor or executive staff

Censorship: Florida proposes mandatory registration of all bloggers who write about Governor or executive staff

A Florida Republican legislator has gone insane and proposes that all bloggers in the state must be registered, file a report on earnings, and be subject to civil penalties for failure to report their status and income, monthly. Rather obviously unconstitutional.

As will be seen in more recent posts on this blog, both Democrats and Republicans strongly support government imposed censorship of online content.