Censorship: Media opposes free speech and favors censorship?

Censorship: Media opposes free speech and favors censorship?

I am so old, I remember when media outlets went to Court to get rulings in favor of First Amendment rights and free speech.

Many talking heads say Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin is an act of treason and not real journalism – Carlson says it is an act of journalism to report on all sides of a story. The linked item gives many examples of the press interviewing people we don’t like – that is part of their job description. Unless it goes against the memes, or something. Seems odd for “journalists” to oppose doing journalism, no matter how much you dislike the characters.

Today, many in the media oppose free speech of others – crazy times – read the whole thing: Of course you interview Putin – Don Surber (substack.com)

Of course, Tucker Carlson is not so bright: Tucker Carlson Discovers American Tourists Are Rich | National Review

But that’s not a reason to censor him. The response to speech you do not like is more speech, not heavy handed censorship.

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