Media: Traditional journalism is dying

Media: Traditional journalism is dying

Journalists can’t fathom they are not producing a product the public wants.

They double down and blame the customers for media business problems.

And feature people seen as air heads by many members of the public as their spokesperson: Jules Terpak on X: “This video from @TaylorLorenz about the potential collapse of journalism is deeply important. Especially over the past 48 hours “I don’t think people understand how bad the world would be without journalists” “I don’t want to live in a world where all of the news is delivered…” / X (

Journalism is not dying – the ancient, local newspaper monopoly is dead. Media is changing to independent or quasi-independent media outlets including:

  • Content mills generating click-bait articles.
  • Independent journalists funded by patreon, paypal donations, Substack or other models (I’m paying two of them through Substack now)
  • Some mainstream news sites are now basically funded by donations
  • Some are funded by sales revenues generated by sponsored links
  • Some want the government to subidize old media dinosaurs and keep them around
  • Some want to force tech companies to pay media companies a fee each time they link to a media web site (that is insane)

The bottom line is traditional or heritage media really is dead – most of the dinosaurs working in traditional media still view themselves very highly and don’t understand why many people view them as extinct.

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