Meaningless propaganda: Doomsday clock at 90 seconds to midnight

Meaningless propaganda: Doomsday clock at 90 seconds to midnight

Created in 1947, the Doomsday Clock was designed as a propaganda tool.

This week, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced that it is at 90 seconds to midnight – meaning we are on the verge of the annihilation of earth. Doomsday Clock stays at 90 seconds to midnight (

The Doomsday clock is completely meaningless and is the political opinion of a group of “experts”.

Cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker harshly criticized the Doomsday Clock as a political stunt, pointing to the words of its founder that its purpose was “to preserve civilization by scaring men into rationality.” He stated that it is inconsistent and not based on any objective indicators of security, using as an example its being farther from midnight in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis than in the “far calmer 2007”. He argued it was another example of humanity’s tendency toward historical pessimism, and compared it to other predictions of self-destruction that went unfulfilled.[23]

As many of noted, there were actual scary events of the past (think Cuban Missile Crisis) where it was much further before midnight than today. The Doomsday Clock is completely arbitrary and meaningless except as a propaganda tool to keep you in a heighten state of fear and terror.

The media morons love it – because fear sells eyeballs to advertisers and fits perfectly with the media’s doomerism agenda.

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