More great moments in journalism

More great moments in journalism

Sports storyteller blasts a child at a football game for wearing a Native American headdress, with half his face painted dark and half painted red, saying the fan offended two races at once. The story teller’s writing went viral and was spread widely.

There were some problems with the story:

  • The fan is a 9-year-old boy
  • He is a Native American
  • The face paint was in the colors of the sports team at the sports event he was attending.
  • They identified the child: “ To that end, our story was updated on Dec. 7 to remove any photos, tweets, links, or otherwise identifying information about the fan.”

They have since rewritten the story to remove or reduce inappropriate, erroneous and defamatory comments: The NFL Must Ban Native Headdress And Culturally Insensitive Face Paint in the Stands (UPDATED)

The storyteller demands the NFL prohibit Native Americans their choice of clothing but not, apparently, say, Muslim women covering their heads?

The parents are threatening to sue the storyteller for defamation. The damage has already been done.

The culture of perpetual outrage struck again! In the culture of perpetual outrage, it is a requirement to interpret everything as oppression, victimhood, sexism or racism. Always.

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