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Month: August 2023

Climate: How the media reported on tropical storm Hilary in California

Climate: How the media reported on tropical storm Hilary in California

The spin began with “deadly”, “life threatening”, “catastrophic” speculation, then followed that afterwards with “It wasn’t that bad”, and stories saying the tropical storm was 100% caused by the Global Boiling ClimateCrisis, and then a few adding historical context of past tropical storms and even a hurricane.

Media: Content mills and the eliteness of reporters

Media: Content mills and the eliteness of reporters

“Content mills” and “Content Generation” services are becoming the backbone of web “journalism”. Related: many journalists having surprisingly elite backgrounds, greatly disconnected from the rest of society. At the national level, most have attended elite universities, went to private high schools, and have done studies abroad, They have degrees in English Lit, Creative Writing, History or Political Science, and sometimes journalism – yet often call themselves “Science” or “Environmental Science” reporters, even though they have no background in those subjects. A bit of a surprise.