Media advocacy: Upcoming climate conference

Media advocacy: Upcoming climate conference

In the past, in the weeks leading up to every international climate conference, there was a flurry of new papers published, all coinciding to be in print just before conferences. These papers, in turn, received tremendous media publicity.

Here and on my other blog I have been documenting misleading and untruthful reports by the media regarding weather in the summer of 2023. The reports appear be a coordinated public relations campaign (a.k.a. “propaganda” before that term was redefined as public relations by the “father of public relations”, Edward Bernays, in the early 20th century).

So why this media propaganda campaign this summer? Because there is an upcoming international climate conference.

Global extreme weather events may influence climate policy (

Related: exaggerated reporting has occurred almost exclusively regarding northern hemisphere summer weather – because this coincides with the conference date. We did not see this occurring during our winter – or summer in the southern hemisphere because that was too early to prep for the conference.

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