Why are reporters of U.S. news based in England?

Why are reporters of U.S. news based in England?

Aleks Phillips is a Newsweek U.S. News Reporter based in London. His focus is on U.S. politics and the environment. He has covered climate change extensively, as well as healthcare and crime. Aleks joined Newsweek in 2023 from the Daily Express and previously worked for Chemist and Druggist and the Jewish Chronicle. He is a graduate of Cambridge University. Languages: English.

Aleks Phillips (newsweek.com) and his LinkedIn page.

Reuters and others use writers in India and elsewhere to lower costs. But why have a reporter for a U.S. publication, based in England, to report on U.S. news?

Does a reporter really understand the culture and environment they are reporting on, anymore than, say, I would understand the issues in South Africa or Ecuador, from my vantage point in a high desert, small town in the inland PNW?

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