Social: Who uses Twitter?

Social: Who uses Twitter?

Twitter has about 400 million users.

75% are outside the U.S., and about 100 million are in the U.S.

About 37 million in the U.S. use Twitter every day or about 11% of the population, but another figure says half of U.S. users access Twitter daily – which would be about 15%.

About 7% of all global Internet users access Twitter at least once per month.

The top 10% of Twitter users account for 92% of all tweets.

There are about 2x more men using Twitter, than women.

Nearly 2 in 3 years are between age 25 and 49.

The top accounts, by number of followers, are mostly celebrities and celebrity politicians.

More data here:

Relatively few people are very active on Twitter – again the top 10% of users account for 90+% of all Tweets.

Tragically, using social media is likely bad for our mental health and increases depression and anxiety.

Social media also encourages an increase in anger and outrage: “Social media platforms like Twitter amplify expressions of moral outrage over time because users learn such language gets rewarded with an increased number of “likes” and “shares,” a new Yale University study shows.”

Thus, social media is an outrage amplifier. The result is increased anger and unfortunately, a seemingly normalization of anger and being angry. Anger, in turn, is a few steps away from becoming violent (actual violence, not the “speech is violence” silliness). Literally, “Social Media Makes Us Angrier – and More Extreme“.

My view is that Twitter is the worst of the worst – the emphasis on very short texts, relatively few images or videos – and far greater use of anonymous accounts – leads to more expression of outrage, more who hurl hurtful messages, leading to misunderstandings and shouting matches and ridicule.

The primary purpose of Twitter is to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for someone to data mine in the future – then getting them in trouble or merely twisting words from the past, out of context, because someone in the present has an outrage problem.

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