Face palm: PRWeek names United CEO “Communicator of the Year”

Face palm: PRWeek names United CEO “Communicator of the Year”


Our Communicator of the Year, United Airlines’ CEO Oscar Munoz, said it best when he came on stage to receive his honor. He commented that the turnaround he has led at the beleaguered airline was not just something that needed to be communicated – it was all about communications.

It’s telling when a major CEO from a $36 billion global company recognizes the value of communications, not as a promotional tool or part of a strategy, rather as a fundamental strut through which the business is built.

As I wrote last week, Munoz’s humble and empathetic approach has bypassed the choppy headwinds surrounding the airline and set United on a positive path for the future, with an engaged workforce checked in and on board.

No longer is PR begging for crumbs from the table, it is playing a full and active role at the head of it.

Source: PRWeek

This confirms everything we already thought about the public relations profession. In one swoop, PRWeek makes fun of the entire public relations industry and highlights the buffoonery of their silly awards.

And in the last sentence makes clear what happens when PR goons run the company.

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