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Category: Propaganda Methods

Misreporting by error of omission: “These 5 states have less than 10% of ICU beds left as Covid-19 overwhelms hospitals – CNN”

Misreporting by error of omission: “These 5 states have less than 10% of ICU beds left as Covid-19 overwhelms hospitals – CNN”

CNN runs a prominent news story about the 5 states where ICU beds available is less than 10%. They conveniently left out many states that are also in that situation, apparently to make a point about Southern states?

When billionaires control our public discourse

When billionaires control our public discourse

Facebook, Twitter and Google outrageously censored scientists and doctors for asking questions about challenging issues in the pandemic. Today, we are recognizing that these discussions were important – but silenced by the unethical billionaires of social media.

The fake Productivity versus Pay Chart on social media

The fake Productivity versus Pay Chart on social media

Propagandists share a poster on social media allegedly comparing the growth in worker compensation to the overall productivity of the U.S. The implication of the poster is that wages have stayed flat for almost 50 years while overall economic productivity has soared. That means workers are being shafted. Except for one detail – the chart compares a subset of labor compensation to total economic output – when all labor is included, both grow at the same rate. Typical of propaganda, it presents data – so it must be true – and highlights the comparison in a simple chart. Very persuasive. Propagandists know that most viewers will not engage their critical thinking skills – and hence, they allow themselves to be intentionally misled.