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Category: Other

When billionaires control our public discourse

When billionaires control our public discourse

Facebook, Twitter and Google outrageously censored scientists and doctors for asking questions about challenging issues in the pandemic. Today, we are recognizing that these discussions were important – but silenced by the unethical billionaires of social media.

Old tweets haunt a BBC journalist

Old tweets haunt a BBC journalist

BBC journalist Tala Halawa posted tweets in the past saying very uncivil things about Israel and the conflict in Gaza (this years before the current military actions). Old tweets tend to come back and haunt many people.

BigTech just killed themselves

BigTech just killed themselves

BigTech is now more powerful than world leaders and government. They proved that this week. This is a massive security threat to the entire world – literally BigTech has signed their own death warrant. BigTech will be broken up and heavily regulated after this. No government can risk being shut down by BigTech. Think about this for a bit.

Instagram’s new Data Policy – And why I deleted the Instagram app yesterday

Instagram’s new Data Policy – And why I deleted the Instagram app yesterday

Instagram introduced new Terms of Service, which caused many of us to re-read them, as well as the various linked policies. Facebook/Instagram log everything about you – including your SMS messages, your address book, information about nearby Wi-Fi access points, other devices on your network – and can integrate FB’s own collection with offline purchases at retail stores.

I had deleted the FB app long ago and last night I deleted the Instagram app. I do not believe it is safe to use any Facebook company application.