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Category: Climate Communications

Media and the panic over malaria

Media and the panic over malaria

Several cases of malaria have been identified in the U.S. From the media reporting, you might think this is a crisis and this has never happened before. Indeed, the new cases are because of climate change. Except this is a super exaggeration: the first case of malaria in what would become the U.S. was reported in 1492. The CDC was founded in 1946 for the purpose of eliminating malaria from the U.S., particularly the Southern states – this is why it’s HQ is in Atlanta, GA.

Media: Most individual weather events are not climate

Media: Most individual weather events are not climate

Attribution studies attempt to connect individual weather events to climate change. But the ability to do that is so limited that the results are not meaningful. Repeated exaggeration and misreporting leads to skepticism – and serves no useful purpose.

Media invents new scary climate terminology

Media invents new scary climate terminology

The Guardian invents a new term for climate topics: climate-wrecking emissions. They’ve invented many new terms that were never used by scientists or policy makers. Rather than report the news and let the facts speak for themselves, and let you think for yourself, The Guardian views its role and telling you what to think. See inside for a link to more examples of media invented terminology.