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Category: Cherry Picking

“Deplatforming” Parler

“Deplatforming” Parler

The controversy over hostile social media content advocating violence, hate, and lies on social media – and the deplatforming of individuals and entire services (e.g. Parler).

Was Parler deplatformed for “conservative” ideas or for users advocating violence?

Methods of subtle media propaganda

Methods of subtle media propaganda

Every time someone not following the face mask meme contracts Covid-19, the media makes the lack of face masks the story. Yet when a large group of health care workers, with 100% face mask compliance is diagnosed with Covid-19, mention of face masks vanishes. According to the CDC, 90% of those diagnosed with Covid-19 were face mask wearers – suggesting the media’s focus on face masks or lack of one as the cause of contracting Covid-19 is propaganda messaging.