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Category: Assertion

Censorship: Are Schools Really Banning Books?

Censorship: Are Schools Really Banning Books?

Are schools really banning books? And if they are banning or de-emphasizing some books, is it due to right-wing censorship? The story is far more complicated than that – as many alleged book bans did not happen, and if the books were removed, there were other explanations. Interesting thread.

Politics: Controversy over newly elected PM Giorgia Meloni

Politics: Controversy over newly elected PM Giorgia Meloni

Newly elected PM Giorgia Meloni is definitely on the “Right” of the political spectrum. For various reasons, the left has labeled her a “fascist”. Presiident Biden piled in, issuing a statement that the freely and democratically elected PM is, in fact, demonstration of “anti-democracy”. I don’t understand this – isn’t a democratically elected official, even if we disagree with them, still an act of democracy? Bear in mind, I am a brain injured idiot and may be my brain is easily confused.

Censorship: Microsoft won’t label posts as true or false, like other companies

Censorship: Microsoft won’t label posts as true or false, like other companies

“I don’t think that people want governments to tell them what’s true or false,” Smith said when asked about Microsoft’s role in defining disinformation. “And I don’t think they’re really interested in having tech companies tell them either.” Source: Microsoft Won’t Label Fake News as False in Attempt to Avoid ‘Censorship’ Cries – Bloomberg

Social media provides idiotic morons a wide distribution platform

Social media provides idiotic morons a wide distribution platform

Sorry for the language, but what a fucking moron. Viruses exist in animals, which we cannot control through lockdowns, and many viruses can exist on surfaces for weeks and months. This proposal would never work but at least it would cause massive harm. Twitter enables morons to widely distribute misinformation based on idiocy. Since the individual is anonymous, he or she or it has no shame for being an idiot.

Fake news: “COVID-19, shootings: Is mass death now tolerated in America?”

Fake news: “COVID-19, shootings: Is mass death now tolerated in America?”

Reporter asserts all Covid deaths in the U.S. were preventable. My pointing out that Covid was not controlled anywhere in the world (having accurate data collection and reporting), and my pointing out that 27 other countries had worse outcomes than the U.S. is “denying that the deaths were preventable”. Therefore, you are cautioned that my inconvenient questions and observations are official disinformation, as determined by the Associated Press. Also, remember Betteridge’s Law – any headline that ends in a question mark means the story is bull shit.