Censorship: The First Amendment is Out of Control

Censorship: The First Amendment is Out of Control

Columbia University (no surprise) law professor thinks government censorship of public speech is fine: Opinion | The NetChoice Decision Shows the First Amendment Is Out of Control – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

An elitist, of course, he’d be one of the elites who decides what is true and what is false, and what is acceptable for our little minds to hear.

Born to a Taiwanese father and a British/Canadian mother, the author grew up in Basel, Switzerland and Toronto, Canada, and went on to attend elite universities. He likely has citizenship in multiple countries. He is an elite globalist who believes the world is best when run by people like him – and for that to happen, we must control the speech of the public.

I was taught in a high school government class, if we choose to censor speech, who gets to be the censor? Who gets to choose the censor?

Prof Tim Wu wants free speech for him, and the NY Times – but not free speech for you, or others that he disagrees with. That’s the height of hypocrisy and arrogance.

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