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Month: April 2021

Munchausen by Internet

Munchausen by Internet

This is an Internet/social media phenomena that never occurred to me: “Munchausen by Internet occurs when medically well individuals fake recognized illnesses in virtual environments, such as online support groups.”

The culture of perpetual outrage: “The harmful ableist language you unknowingly use”

The culture of perpetual outrage: “The harmful ableist language you unknowingly use”

This is what happens when we constantly seek out reasons to be perpetually outraged. The world is overrun with individuals who every day, intentionally seek out things to be outraged about. Common speech is now perceived as intentional and hurtful sleight to someone, somewhere. There is nothing we can say anymore without offending someone, somewhere. I have referred to concepts as “brain dead”, which is likely offensive to those with brain injuries. Which, should be obvious by now, includes me.

Who shares fake news on Facebook?

Who shares fake news on Facebook?

A relatively small number of people account for sharing of most fake news stories on social media. Much of it originates from people or groups with an agenda – and is propaganda intended to sow societal dysfunction.