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Month: February 2020

Social media: Wanna-be Instagram star forces airliner to turn around and fly 1,000 miles back to airport

Social media: Wanna-be Instagram star forces airliner to turn around and fly 1,000 miles back to airport

Wanne be social media star forces a Canadian airliner to retrace 1,000 miles of flight and return to Canada with 243 passengers on board. His goal was to film a video on board as he falsely claimed he had coronavirus with the goal of creating a social media viral video. He’s now under arrest in Canada and may eventually be sentenced to prison. His actions demonstrate how social media turns people into self absorbed, narcissistic idiots.

Begging the question fallacy: Again, company demonstrates who they are and asserts its not who they are

Begging the question fallacy: Again, company demonstrates who they are and asserts its not who they are

After firing employees for doing good deeds, the CEO of US Bank asserts “this is not who we are”. This is known as the “begging the question” fallacy, which is to assert that something is true, in spite of actual events, and assert everyone agrees with this. This method is extremely common in corporate and government propaganda efforts.