How mass media distorts our view of the world

How mass media distorts our view of the world

On March 14, 2018, I took screen snapshots of the main, top of the page views showing at MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, CBS News and ABC News web sites.
Of interest, modern news coverage is saturation coverage about politics – from candidates to scandals to policies – its all about government this and government that.
The government and politics is (or probably ought to be!) a much smaller part of our daily lives than 50% to 100% of our waking minutes. But take a look at the level of saturation coverage about politics by the major cable and TV news providers.
At MSNBC, 100% of the stories displayed are about politics:

At CNN, 11 of 15 stories are about politics:

At Fox News, 11 of 17 stories are about politics:

At CBS News, 5 of the 9 stories visible are about politics:

At ABC News, 10 of 16 stories are about politics:

Media provides saturation coverage of politics, which means that many other important topics are ignored, or at best relegated to bottom of the page, the back page, or 30 seconds at the end of a 30 or 60 minutes news show.
This saturation coverage distorts the viewers perception as to how we interpret what government does. Indeed, with up to 100% saturation coverage of government, it appears that the government runs every aspect of our lives. Government does not (yet). But this type of round the clock saturation coverage will impact viewers perception of what government does, does well, does not do well, or does not do at all. Effectively, the mass media is censoring information about everything else in life that is not government themed.
A possible take away is a view that everything in life must be managed by the government because that is all that we see if we use these news sources. In effect, this warped perspective might train viewers to believe that more government is the solution to any problem we identify – because we never see the the activities and solutions being provided by non-government entities.
Perhaps this is intentional propaganda messaging by media people or perhaps it is driven by ratings data. We do not know.
The degree of saturation varies greatly by news provider, and whether the news provider is national or local in scope.

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